Trusted by 19,000+ Clinicians
Key supplier to the NHS
Rated 4.8 out of 5 by Customers



Our Net Zero Pledge

With our guiding mission to improve lives, we strive to make a positive impact on the world around us by acting sustainably.

As we continue to grow and invest as a company, we are mindful of how our actions today affect future generations.

We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint, and becoming carbon neutral by 2045.

We put together a detailed plan and report each year, with data and targets clearly shown across all scopes.  You can download our latest report here: Sustainability Report & Carbon Reduction Plan.

Why Net Zero?

We recognise that the collective effort to reduce carbon emissions will only work if the individual contributors — companies like ourselves — take up their responsibility and make changes for the ‘greater good’.

The NHS have outlined their goal to become the world’s first Net Zero national health service, as part of the Greener NHS programme.

As a supplier to the NHS, we want to help them achieve their goal of Net Zero by 2045, by reducing the carbon footprint of our products and downstream transport.


What is the Greener NHS Programme?

The Greener NHS Programme aims to convert the NHS into a carbon-efficient, environmentally sustainable organisation by implementing the roadmap outlined in its manifesto “Delivering a Net Zero National Health Service”.

We want to join the NHS in this journey as a partner organisation, by reducing our emissions in line with their carbon reduction plan.

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How Are We Going to Achieve This?

We have identified the direct and indirect activities associated with our carbon footprint that we can reduce over time, to reach our Net Zero goal.


Direct Activities

Scope 1 emissions:

  • Route optimisation for product deliveries and engineer visits to reduce CO2 emissions
  • Utilise video conferencing for product demonstrations wherever possible
  • Source energy from renewable sources and remove gas supply by 2030.


We put together a detailed plan and report each year, with data and targets clearly shown across all scopes.  You can download our latest report here: Sustainability Report & Carbon Reduction Plan.

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Indirect Activities

Scope 2 emissions:

  • Energy-efficient LED lighting in all workplaces
  • Source all electricity from renewable sources by 2030

Scope 3 emissions:

  • Replace plastic chair protection with reusable covers
  • Recycle waste wherever possible
  • Reduce paper with digitisation and e-invoicing
  • Reuse packaging from inbound freight on outbound freight
  • Bulk purchasing to reduce upstream transport
  • As a ‘Made In Britain’ supplier we source from domestic suppliers to reduce air and sea freight
  • Switch passenger fleet to electric/hybrid by 2030
  • Encourage staff to use public transport, bikes or car-share


We put together a detailed plan and report each year, with data and targets clearly shown across all scopes.  You can download our latest report here: Sustainability Report & Carbon Reduction Plan.

carbon reduction graph

Our Journey to Net Zero


This graph shows our carbon reduction targets, plotted across all 3 scopes.

We put together a detailed plan and report each year, with data and targets clearly shown across all scopes.  You can download our latest report here: Sustainability Report & Carbon Reduction Plan.


vivid care sustainability

Moving Forward


We recognise that we live in an inter-connected world, and use our creative mindset to bring sustainability to all our operational practices.

For more information on our Corporate Social Responsibility in practise, visit our CSR page.
