Folding electric wheelchairs for cars have developed massively over the years. These powerchairs are now as compact and easy-to-use as ever to make it simpler for you to get around with no hassle.
Here are a couple of folding electric wheelchairs that will help you keep mobile and enjoy days out without having to worry about fitting them in the car.
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If you need an electric wheelchair for days out but want a lightweight model, then the Joy Rider powerchair is the perfect option. It’s a foldable electric wheelchair that can easily be lifted in and out of the boot of the car.
Weighing around 20kg, the Joy Rider is a relatively lightweight electric wheelchair. It can be lifted in and out of the boot with no worries so that you can make the most of your days out.
Another good thing about the Joy Rider is that it folds down to an incredibly compact size. Because of the minimalist design of the chair itself, you don’t have to worry about excess cushioning or padding that will make the chair bulkier to store.
The Joy Rider folding electric wheelchair can be easily picked up and put in the boot for days out.
The Joy Rider is practically flat when in a folded position, which means it won’t take up lots of room. The compact structure of the chair also makes it easier to manoeuvre through tight spaces.
If you need a sturdier folding electric wheelchair that has more cushioning, then the A08 Freedom Chair is a good option. To look at, you wouldn’t believe that the Freedom Chair could be folded down to such a small size.
It actually can fold down to a very small package and will easily fit into the boot of your car. Able to seat people up to 25 stone in weight, the Freedom Chair is probably the most one of the most robust folding electric wheelchairs for cars on the market.
The A08 Freedom Chair can fold down to a much more compact size so you can make the most of days out in the car.
The Freedom Chair weighs about 23.5kg, so is slightly heavier than the Joy Rider, but can still be lifted in and out of the boot. It also has built-in shock absorbers to make any journey as comfortable as possible.
Another option like the A08 Freedom Chair is the A200 which can be split down and fit in the boot of the car with ease.
This powerchair has all its electronics integrated into just one box to make taking it apart and storing it away even easier. It also makes it a lot easier when you’re putting the chair back together for days out.
It’s only 57cm wide which makes it even easier to store in the boot. The A200 can actually fit in the boot of a Smart Car — it’s that compact!
If you don’t necessarily need an electric wheelchair, then a mobility scooter might be more suited to your needs.
Although mobility scooters tend to be a bit bulkier in shape and design, there are some models that can fold down to an unbelievably small size. The Smarti folding mobility scooter is a particularly good car boot scooter.
The Smarti folded mobility scooter folds down at the touch of a button to a much more easily transported size.
The Smarti weighs about 25kg, so is a little heavier than the powerchairs mentioned above. It’s a class 2 scooter and can be used on pavements and pathways.
This lightweight mobility scooter will start folding down at the touch of a button and folds both vertically and horizontally to become as small as possible. It’s an ideal scooter for anyone who enjoys days trips around the shops or into town.
We appreciate that some people will be unable to lift their mobility scooter into a car by themselves, even if it is a lightweight model.
ln these cases, a car hoist is a great option! The hoist handles the heavy lifting so that you don’t have to. Autochair have an excellent range of car hoists which allow you to move wheelchairs and scooters in and out of the car at the touch of a button.
These folding electric wheelchairs for cars can help you maintain your freedom and independence without being too bulky to take around. All three options fit easily in the boot of the car and keep you comfy on days out.
If you’re looking for other folding electric wheelchairs for cars or any other lightweight mobility equipment, get in touch with our team for some advice!