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Wharfedale Rise Recline Chair


£1,463.00 exc VAT

No VAT for customers with a long term illness or disability, or are a registered charity.

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The Wharfedale electric riser recliner armchair has been designed for both domestic and multi-user healthcare environments.  Featuring comfortable scroll arms along with a soft and adjustable button back-rest.  Choose from a range of sizes, fabric colours and a single or dual motor rise recline and tilt-in space mechanism, to ensure maximum comfort.



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    Product Features

    Fabric Options:

    Size Options:

    Use our simple guide to choose the size that is just right for you.  Our range of sizes is as follows:

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    The Wharfedale riser recliner chair has been created as a sturdy and functional armchair for both domestic and multi-user healthcare environments.  Featuring comfortable scroll arms along with a soft and adjustable button back-rest to combine postural support and comfort for the seated individual.

    Pressure relief cushions can be incorporated into this chair upon request.

    Rise and Recline Chair Mechanism Options:

    This electric riser recliner chair comes with various mechanical action options to offer support and comfort to the seated user:

    • Single or dual motor options allow users to control the backrest & footrest as one or individually.
    • Tilt-in-space offers postural support and pressure injury management (see more information below).
    • 3-way and a 4-way motor action.


    The single motor tilt-in-space action is a quiet and smooth recline that brings zero gravity and a “no shear” motion.  It has three manually adjusted pivot positions allowing the chair to rise or recline to a near horizontal position.

    The dual-motor tilt-in-space action allows for individual adjustment of the back angle position, but allows the recline motion to operate with no change to the seat/back angle during the recline movement.  This ensures a comfortable no-shear feeling.


    Standard chairs are supplied with simple push button controllers and 24 volt transformers with emergency recovery.  Optional extras include full battery back up, hazard sensors (anti-entrapment) and massage and heat pad systems.  Send us an enquiry if you wish to purchase a chair with any of these extra options.

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